Saturday, August 12, 2006


1. You know who Buck Rogers was.
2. 'V' isn't just some other alphabet.
3. You worshipped some character from Star Wars.
4. You know where 'by the power of greyskull' came from.
5. You know who Linda Carter was and who she starred as...
6. The 'A-Team' was one of the coolest shows on  TV.
7. You know what 'Hunter' was and if you were a guy, you had a crush on Dee Dee McCall.
8. When that idiot from Baywatch actually did some decent acting in Knight Rider.
9. If you were a girl, you had Cabbage Patch Kids or Strawberry Short Cake toys.
10. If you were a guy, you knew Transformers.
11. When prices for cinemas was $4.50 and the booth attendant scrawled your seat number on your pink ticket with a red crayon
12. When kacang putih only cost 70 cents.
13. If you were a girl, you probably had a crush on Tommy Page.
14. If you were a guy you probably worshipped Guns 'n' Roses.
15. When you went to Zouk, it wasn't filled with all these dumb kids but happening models.
16. When the first MRT started operating, you were probably old enough to  take it on your own.
17. They made you chew pink tablets for the primary school dental health programme.
18. They made you buy AND drink milk at recess time in an organised fashion.
19. You were there when the first 'Nightmare on Elm Street' was released.
20. You wanted one of them floating skateboards from Back to the Future II.
21. When there was no such thing as COE.
22. When the CBD was the only restriction into Orchard Road.
23. That to beat the CBD you had to have 4 or more people in your car.
24. Your first computer was probably an XT or a 286.
25. You thought the 486 computer was the fastest machine on Earth.
26. When really big computer games needed 5 diskettes.
27. When bloody Windows didn't exist!! You had to use DOS.
28. You actually owned a computer that only had a CGA monitor
29. You watched Smurfs.
30. You remember the uproar from M'sia when S'pore hosted a visit from the  Israeli Prime Minister.
31. The Electric Company and Sesame Street were after one another on Saturdays.
32. That TCS used to be called SBC.
33. That SBC 5 used to have the news in Tamil.
34. That streaming for primary school still used to be in primary 3!!!
35. When the most expensive Casio G-shock watch was still a mere $75.
36. You owned a whole bag of marbles.
37. You could still buy packets of plastic toy soldiers for $2.50.
38. If you ever watched a movie in the old Orchard Cinema with its bowling alley.
39. If you watched the the series 'Samsui Women' on SBC 8.
40. They made you brush your teeth over the longkang in primary school.

It sure bring back fond memories of childhood / school days!

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