Sunday, December 25, 2011

Xmas Log Cakes

We were informed by the organiser that M and her 2 elves were baking log cakes for ur office Christmas party.  Was told that they had to bake the cakes the night before the party, and thereafter, decorated them with mousse the next morning.

Our Xmas lunch was held on 22 Dec as JA was going back to New Zealand for his annual vacation with his family.

Here's the result of the 3 cakes that they have baked:

Decoration was added after M brought the cakes to the office on Thursday morning.  DF and CSM were busy putting the final touches onto the cake.

The cakes were placed on the buffet table.  Everyone was excited and looking forward to having a slice of the cakes for dessert.
The log cakes are lovely - light and fluffy.  The mousse is not too sweet, just nice for our taste buds.  Thanks to M and her Elves for the delicious cakes.

One of the Elves was happy with the response from the staff and she asked M to print the photos of the cakes to add to her 'portfolio'.

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