Sunday, September 11, 2011

My thoughts on travelling.......

Going away on vacation is always my first love but I must confess that I hate the long aeroplane rides. The air-pressure on the plane always "kill" my appetite! For long flights, I survive on only water and fruits.

Sometimes, I wish there was some kind of travel machine that I can use to travel from country to country in a matter of minutes. Hopefully someone will invent that machine really soon!

To me, the best part about going away on vacation is normally the period before the trip. This is where time will be spent pouring over the brochures, planning the day-to-day itinerary, doing research on the places of interests, studying & reading the maps and also packing my luggage(s).

That always give me a sense of satisfaction for a job well-done! It certainly makes my whole trip a more enjoyable and interesting one !!