Saturday, March 3, 2012

Celebrating our Move to a New Level

We moved into our new office on 17 February 2012 evening.  We had a small celebration party in our new office a few days ago, co-ordinated by the Admin department. A mini buffet was organised for the staff and guests from other departments.

The main dish of the party was this big roasted suckling pig.  When the tray (containing the pig) arrived at the office, the smell was so fragrant that staff sitting at extreme corners of the office could even smell it.  It even causes some of the stomachs to growl ! :)

Roast Suckling Pig - Head was chopped into 2 by our MD

Close-up of the Piggy



There was a variety of food served at the mini-buffet --- samosas, makis, fruit salad, deep fried spring rolls, dry mee siam, fried carrot cake, steamed buns, soon-kuehs, etc.  Everyone voted the fried carrot cake as the best dish !!  I simply love it.  It's soft and tasty - fried and served with lots of garlic.

I love the fruit salad.  It's refreshing and delicious.
Samosas, makis, fruit salad & spring rolls.

The number tag on the Roast Pig.


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