Sunday, January 15, 2012

A gathering of old friends

Met up with a group of old friends (my ex-colleagues) and their families on New Year's Day.  It was fun and enjoyable.  It was a potluck party and we had so much food.  Super yummy ! 
The dishes & drinks, roast chicken and fried Korean noodles.

Bottom pic - Sushi spread from Sakae Sushi.  These are the children's favourite dish.

Fried Korean noodles, roast chicken and Satay.

Shepherd's Pie, Guava Juice and 100 sticks of Otak-Otak

Everyone's favourite Fried Carrot Cake from Bukit Timah, Gado Gado and Fried Toufu.

Fresh fruits - contributed by Betty & Sabrina.

An enjoyable evening which lasts till 10pm.  We look forward to the next gathering in 2 weeks' time - a Lunar New Year lunch.

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